Monday, October 12, 2009

Coleman Oval Pitching Star And Son

Considered by most to be the best pitcher ever in Two Bridges Little League History.
Sorry Murray.
about Vinny Adimando, from Joe Bruno
After little league, where he dominated for three years, Vinny was all-city at LaSalle High School. And a two-time All American at St. John's. Also a member of the United States Nation team for two years. He also played in the Cape Cod League, and made the all-star team twice.
In his first year in Pony League for Transfiguration, Vinnie pitched, played the outfield, and batted third. He was 13 years old. It was my third year in Pony League. I was 15, played shortstop and was the lead off hitter.
During the season, our coach Frank Mosco, told me there was going to be a bunch of scouts at our game to watch Vinnie. He told me he wanted Vinnie to lead off, so he'd get more at bats. I was moved down to the second slot. No problem.
In the first inning, Vinnie was up, and I was standing on deck. We were playing at DeWitt Clinton Field at 53th Street, and 11th ave. in Manhattan.
In the first inning, Vinnie hit the first, or second pitch, a heat-seeking missile over the left centerfield fence, and all the way across 11th Avenue, which was a 2-way street. You could hear the jaws dropping all over the field. I don't think anybody ever saw an 8th grader hit a ball that far.
So I'm up next. There was no way for me to follow that act. In fact, I don't think anyone was actually watching my at bat. Not even the pitcher.
Not even my father.
So I did what I did best. I bunted down the third base line for a base hit.
Nobody noticed. And rightfully so.

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