Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hip "KV" Parisian

an excerpt From Brooklyn to Paris: An Interview with Zeva Bellel of “Paris By Appointment Only”

Text by Tory Hoen, Interview by Erica Berman
Like so many Americans in this city, Zeva Bellel came to Paris by way of a dream—and an impractical one, at that. Raised in Brooklyn, New York, she spent her youth indulging her Francophile fantasies, devouring French new wave films, and scheming about ways to one day live in Paris. Met with much skepticism from her family and friends (her grandfather demanded, “When are you ever going to speak French, you live in Brooklyn for chrissakes?”), Zeva had to fight to make her dream a reality.
Now, after 10 years and lots of amazing experience in Paris, Zeva has recently launched Paris by Appointment Only (Paris BAO), where she seeks to connect Paris’ “hidden network” of artisans (ceramicists, artists, clothing designers, etc.) with curious consumers in seek of unique services and products.
From her roots across the Atlantic to her current lifestyle in Paris’ trendy 10th arrondissement, Zeva is living the life she had always imagined. In retrospect, it may have begun as an irrational dream—but isn’t that the best kind?
We recently sat down with Zeva to learn more about Paris BAO, and what it is that she loves most about life in Paris.

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