Monday, December 7, 2009

A Fourth Ward WW2 Hero: Charles F. Murphy Jr.

On Veteran's Day I noticed on Gerry Murphy's facebook page that someone commented on her father's WW2 accomplishments so I emailed Gerry to ask about them. Her answer:
My Dad during WW II received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and numerous other medals.  He fought in all the major battles of the Pacific. He was with the famous Fighting 69th.

I did some detective work to figure out that he fought at Makin Atoll in the Gilbert Islands. That's where the above footage comes from. I was too late to recognize him here for Veteran's Day, but I thought December 7th would be an appropriate time. Our heartfelt thanks to Charles F, Murphy Jr. for his service to our country. For more information see the history net's page on the Gilbert Island campaign and for more information on the 165th Infantry, fighting 69th Regiment go here

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