Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holes In My Shoes: Jack Beers Of The LES

thanks to Paul Levine for making me
aware of this movie
from new york magazine
As a kid growing up on the Lower East Side, Jack Beers became known on vaudeville as "New York City's Strongest Boy." Later, he worked as a dog trainer and had small roles in Tootsie and Ghost Busters. In this clip from the documentary on his life airing tonight on PBS, a 94-year-old Beers navigates GPS, takes a shower, and rips a phone book into thirds with his bare hands. "We did it in one take," director David Wachs says.

1 comment:

  1. This is the director of the film, David Wachs. Thanks for putting this up here. All are welcome to visit our site at There you can find a way to see trailers, purchase the DVD and find out more info on Jack Beers.

    The film will air again on WNET PBS 13 in March/April. You can email me at or from our movie site.

