Thursday, December 17, 2009

Who's Who In Knickerbocker Village History: Harry Bernstein

I got a KV blog Hanukkah present in an email from Paula Sanders
Last night I was reading a book called The Golden Willow. It's story of a lifetime of love, by a man named Harry Bernstein. He is 99 yeas old and this is his third published book. I had loved his first book, The Invisible Wall, about his childhood in England before WW1. This book is about his life with his wife, who died in 2001. They were married 67 years. Chapter 5 includes those years when they lived in Knickerbocker Village starting in 1939. Wouldn't it be interesting to speak to him.? He lives in Brick NJ.
I found Harry's phone number and left a message. I hope to get to talk to him

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