Sunday, January 10, 2010

Staten Island Ferry: 1900

from shorpy
comments from shorpy viewers
The Cincinnati has the round pilothouses (aka wheelhouses) typical of New York harbor ferries during the era, while ferries on the West Coast had square pilothouses like on the ferry Berkeley.
The great picture of the "Cincinnati" on the North River in 1900 reminds me of the Ramsdell ferries "Newburgh", "Beacon", "Orange" and "Dutchess" that plied the Hudson between Newburgh and Beacon NY up until 1963 when the I-84 bridge first breached the waters. Two of the above had two decks, and the other two, just a single deck. I can never remember which had what.
This is an interesting view of a ferry showing very little change in shape or function for well over 100 years. I've used many auto ferries over the years and never considered that they were earlier used to move horse-drawn wagons long before the advent of cars.
Citizen Kane, Illustrated
Mr. Bernstein:
One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on a ferry and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it, there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on -- and she was carrying a white parasol -- and I only saw her for one second and she didn't see me at all -- but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl.

1 comment:

  1. Given the title of your blog you might be interested t know there was a Staten Island Ferry named the Knickerbocker. It was retired and towed to Ocean City, Maryland. It ran aground and plans to convert it to a shopping and restaurant area faded. More info can be found here: (post #21 of this thread)
