Monday, February 1, 2010

Across The Sea Of Time

A great movie for Immigration studies with kids and for giving a then and now view of NYC. from amazon, unfortunately not available on DVD
A young boy travels across the ocean, from Europe to New York, carrying only letters, stereoptican photos, and a viewer. The letters and photos were sent over a hundred years ago by a long dead relative. He wanders around New York City trying to use the letters and photos, he has no address, to locate his family--the only family he has left. He meets many different people in the city who try to help him, but most cannot visualize any other New York than the one they know. Wonderful voice-overs from the letters and amazing juxtapositions of the old photograph against the same location decades later. The boy is clever and resourceful--you find yourself cheering him on. Fun, all ages movie. Good history of multicultural New York.

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