Saturday, March 27, 2010

Johnny Maestro: John Mastrangelo

I think the above is John's grandfather WW2 draft registration card. He is living on Roosevelt Street in 1942. Johnny Maestro was born John Mastrangelo. From my neighborhood sources there was always some minor controversy about where Johnny Maestro hailed from.(There's no controversy on his talent). I heard about this at last year's Smith reunion
Joe Bruno tells me that Johnny's brother Pee Wee lived in Knickerbocker Village at 16 Monroe Street in the 70's.

1 comment:

  1. John Peter Mastrangelo was born May 7, 1939 and grew up on Mulberry Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. His family moved to Roosevelt Street when John was a teenager. Johnny Maestro's singing career lasted more than fifty years, and his fans will remember his music forever. His final concert appearance with The Brooklyn Bridge was on January 17, 2010. John passed away on March 24, 2010.
