Saturday, March 27, 2010

Phil's Lower East Side

I had the good fortune to meet Phil at the Institute for Retirees at Brooklyn College (IRPE). For more about the IRPE and to learn about the courses they offer
Phil's dad must have been one of the first Seward Park graduates. Phil knew the joys of Guss' pickles, but he didn't stick around the LES long enough to know about Cheap Heshies

1 comment:

  1. Have to get in touch with David Bellela. I lived on the LES ('40's and '50's), bought many toys at Cheap Heshies, had many haircuts at Michael's Barber Shop (maybe my first?) on Henry St (lived there), and I even knew Mickey Freeman who was a member of my grandfather's lodge (spoke with him not long before he died). There is far too much I can reminisce about in what David covers that I just have to contact him, maybe even meet. I'm really into the "olde days" - just went around the LES with my wife and took current photos of most of the 99 locations in the "The Lower East Side" book (out-of-print Dover Pub.).My mom went to Washington Irving, pop to Seward Park. Remember the smell of Miller's Cheese shop on Essex? Mmmmm! Sussman's Bakery was on opposite corner from Michael's Barbershop. We must talk! Please email me @ Robert
