Saturday, April 3, 2010

John Forsythe: Who's Almost Who In KV History

John earns the distinction by going to Abraham Lincoln High School, a destination for many KVer's who made the move to Brighton Beach to the Warbasse and Trump Houses in the mid sixties. And a great memory from Paul Levine:
Since you mentioned John Forsythe in KV blog, I thought I'd share a PS 177 connection and a couple of degrees of separation. He was in an episode of a Kraft show; it escapes what it was called, possibly Kraft Mystery Theatre or something. He was starring in an episode and they needed a playground scene. The advance crew came to 177 and selected a few kids from our class to be in the scene. It was shot in Coleman Oval and I had to bring my baseball glove the scheduled day to have a catch with someone in my class during the scene. We were in the background during filming and John Forsythe was in the foreground with a couple of actors. It was one of my greatest days at 177: got to skip class, have a catch AND got paid for it.

postscript, the episode was:
Kraft Mystery Theater" Go Look at Roses. It aired on Wed, September 11th, 1963 and starred John Albright, Norman Fell, John Forsythe and Cathleen Nesbitt

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