Friday, June 11, 2010

I Like The Fourth Ward In June

From images taken in June of 2009. There are a few from the 7th Ward
I like New York in June,
how about you?
I like a Gershwin tune,
how about you?
I love a fireside
when a storm is due.
I like potato chips,
moonlight and motor trips,
how about you?
I'm mad about good books,
can't get my fill,
and Franklin Roos'velt's looks
give me a thrill.
Holding hands at the movie show,
when all the lights are low
may not be new,
but I like it,
how about you?
The 4th Ward Version
I like the 4th Ward In June
How about you?
I like the St Joe bells' tune
How about you?
My old pals at my side
With a rooftop view
All the wise ass and funny quips
Skelly and punchball tricks
How about you?
I'm proud of KV writers' books
Can't get my fill,
and Tina Pappas' looks
Give me a thrill.
Hearing tales while wine at Forlini's flows,
Especially when old memories grow
May not be new,
But I like it,
How about you?

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