Friday, July 29, 2011

The 1853 Riot On Vandewater Street And More On Vandewater History

from freepages genealogy
Hendrick and his wife Grietje Vermeulen were listed as members of the Bergen, NJ Dutch Church on 20 May 1667, but if they lived there at all it was probably only briefly, as all the children save one were baptized in the New York Dutch Church and Hendrick was described in the court records of New York as a Skipper as of March 1674 (RNA 7:70). In 1686 Margareta was listed as the widow of Hendrick (SelLM 13) living in Smith's Valley, which was along the East River north of Wall Street. In 1695 the Widow Vandewater was taxed on a house in the East ward, New York City, assessed at 30; with her son John, assessed ar 3, and her son - in - law John Pauleson, Assed at 5 (NYHS Coll. 1910:69,110,140).
Their property in Manhattan was located where Vandewater Street now runs beneath the Brooklyn Bridge approaches. In her will dated 9 April , 1724 and probated 5 March 1725 (WNYHS 2:310 ), Margaret listed the children designated with an asterisk below, in addition to Hendrick, Cornelius, and Petronella, Children of her deceased son Albert, and her deceased daughter Elizabeth, late wife of Johannes Poinselles (pauleson); the ececutors named were her surviving sons, her daughter Aryantje Bennet, and her son -in law- Teunis Tiebout.
Source: NYGBR 1967, Vol. 98, p. 27
The story states that James received land in Chesepeake Bay prior to the Rev. War. This has not been confirmed and needs to be checked.
The Family states that James served for the revolutionists under Geo. Washington. According to Ledley he served "in Col. Jacobus Swartwouts Rgt. of Minute Men, also in 2nd & 6th Rgts. of Dutchess Co. Mil. (Hasbrouck, op. cit)". This basically confirms the statement. However, Jacobus is not in the DAR/SAR patriot Index, which only means that no researcher has a yet confirmed his patriot status.

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