Saturday, August 13, 2011

45 Catherine Street: 1929

The name was Boobis, not Boovis. Notice the reference to the drug store next door. There's another article in the times' archive about a 1924 robbery. I guess he had enough because in 1942 Mr. Boovis set up shop out on Liberty Avenue in Brownsville, Brooklyn.


  1. David, Benjamin Boobis was my grandfather. I am just looking into family history and ancestry. Do you know someone in the family? I'm wondering what your interest in the Boobis' is and if I can be any help to you or you to me. Hope to hear from you. My e-mail is

  2. David, Benjamin Boobis was my grandfather. I just started researching family history and ancestry. Are you related to us? I am curious as to your connection, interest and relationship to the Boobis family. Would love to hear from you. I am not a Blogger, but you can reach me at I hope to hear from you. Would love to see the other newspaper article too.
