Monday, April 16, 2012

Victor Colaio's Between Two Bridges

Colaio Scribd I found out about this wonderful book from Victor's old pal Jack Randolph. Victor and Jack grew up in the 40's and 50's in the area of the Fourth Ward that would be mostly absorbed by the Alfred E. Smith Projects. He was kind enough to let me upload a chapter. I tried to add pics that coincided with the text.
About the book:
Born in the middle of the Great Depression, Victor Colaio grew-up on the lower east side of NYC. He attended Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx. He later attended St. John's University where he obtained a BBA. Mr. Colaio's first job was employment as an accountant for a freight forwarder. After serving in the US Army, he held positions with several NYC agencies including the NYPD and FDNY. Subsequently,  he accepted a position with the IRS as a tax law pension specialist. He later transferred to the US Merchant Marine Academy as Deputy Head of Budgets. He left government service and joined a Wall St. bond broker, RMJ Securities, where he performed various assignments and retired. He now spends most of his time writing. He lives with his wife Mary Christina. He has a daughter Jean and five grandchildren. His sons Mark and Stephen perished on Sept 11, 2001 at the WTC. Victor Colaio now resides on the eastern end of Long Island.

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