Friday, December 14, 2007

Once Upon A Time In America 2

A very realistic view of what the LES (Orchard, Hester area) must have looked in the early 1900's. Did you notice the brand of knishes sold and their price?
"In the aftermath of the 1933 deaths of Noodles' friends Max, Patsy, and Cockeye following a shootout with the police, Noodles, pursued by the Mafia, takes refuge in an opium den. While in hiding he reminisces about his childhood in 1920s New York. The subsequent 1921 sequence shows young Noodles' (Scott Tiler) struggles as a poor street punk in the Jewish ghetto of the Lower East Side. His gang consists of Patrick "Patsy" Goldberg (Brian Bloom), Phillip "Cockeye" Stein (Adrian Curran), and Dominic (Noah Moazezi), whose last name isn't given. The neighborhood's criminal endeavors are controlled by local hoodlum Bugsy (James Russo), who has a gang of his own."

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