Friday, December 14, 2007

Once Upon A Time In America 3

This was shot in DUMBO (Down Underneath the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and the arch is the mirror of the one near Knickerbocker Village on Pike and Cherry. There is a noticeable film booboo- a housing project high rise is noticeable in the Manhattan horizon at the 50 second mark.
"The plot follows Noodles and his gang as they first meet Max Bercovitz (Rusty Jacobs), then become an independent operation under his and Noodles' joint leadership. Important subplots include the maintenance of gang funds in a suitcase stored in a railroad station locker (a crucial plot detail), Noodles' fruitless flirtation with Deborah (Jennifer Connelly), a local girl who aspires to be a dancer and actress and the gang's relationship with Deborah's brother, Fat Moe (Mike Monetti). The childhood sequence ultimately ends in tragedy as Bugsy, furious over the boys' success independent of him, shoots Dominic. Noodles retaliates by stabbing Bugsy to death with a switchblade, along with a police officer who intervenes, and is sentenced to twelve years in prison."

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