Sunday, March 14, 2010

Judge Vincent Lupiano: 1950 Photo Essay

Lupiano Life
from a December 1950 photo essay in Life Magazine by Al Fenn. I believe it coincides with Lupiano's election to the New York City Court.
from the new york state centennial court site
Associate Justice 1974-1982 Born: 1908
Died: September 15, 1982
Upon Justice Vincent A. Lupiano’s induction into the New York State Supreme Court, his father, Dominick Lupiano, who had been operator of the justices’ private elevator in the New York County Supreme Court Building for 42 years, came out of retirement to operate the elevator his son took on the day of his installation. His father’s "dream came true" for his son.
Vincent A. Lupiano was born in New York City in 1908. He attended DeWitt Clinton High School and graduated from New York University. He was an accomplished pianist, and his musical talent helped him pay his way through college and law school. He received his law degree from Fordham University School of Law in 1931.
From 1931 to 1944, Lupiano practiced law in New York City. He was elected a New York City Municipal Court Judge in 1944 and served there until 1950, when he was elected to the New York City Court. Four years later he was elected to the Supreme Court. In 1974, Justice Lupiano was appointed by Governor Malcolm Wilson to the Appellate Division First Department, where he remained until his death in 1982.
In 1974, the Columbian Lawyers Association honored Justice Lupiano with its Charles A. Rapallo Award in recognition of his "judicial excellence."
Justice Lupiano was married in 1939 to Roselle Sarubbi Lupiano, with whom he had two children. He died on September 15, 1982, at age 74.

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