Sunday, March 14, 2010

Who's Who In Knickerbocker Village History: Judge Vincent Lupiano

In the Kefauver hearings of 1951 Judge Lupiano was mentioned. Evidently his father in-law, Dr. Paul Sarubbi, was friendly with Frank Costello
He denied having said a kind word for Loscalzo whom O'Dwyer later appointed judge, although he admitted that Loscalzo had come all the way out to a golf course to see him and ask him to put in a good word and introduce him to Kennedy. Nor had he had anything to do with proposing Louis Valente as candidate for surrogate. The luncheon which he attended with Mancuso, Generoso Pope, Sr., DeSapio, and Judge Valente was to plan their part in a charity drive in which Pope was interested. But Costello couldn't remember what the charity was. The drive had never taken place; nor could Costello remember what part he was supposed to have taken in it, or what assignments the other political leaders had. Driven to admitting that this was contrary to his executive session testimony, Costello finally would not deny specifically that the subject of the Valente candidacy had ever come up. He simply couldn't remember. Nor would Costello admit that he had ever said a kind word for Judge Lupiano, a son-in-law of his friend, the late Dr. Sarubbi. He conceded that he might have said over the telephone that he thought maybe Sarubbi wanted to make a judge out of him.
That Costello's influence has continued down to the present day was the impression of Charles Lipsky, a friend of O'Dwyer, who testified that when O'Dwyer said he would not run in 1949, he got Sherman to take him out to see Costello in an attempt to win Costello's support for his candidate for mayor. The following year when O'Dwyer resigned and there was to be a special election, Lipsky stated, he tried to get Adonis to see Costello on the same errand.

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