Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Michael Criscitello: A Sixth Ward WW2 Pacific Hero

The image is from a previous post about White Street
Cecelia Maruffi helped me discover this. The Criscitello's lived at 134 White Street.
Michael's obituary
CRISCITELLO-Michael, died of heart failure on Monday, September 13, 1999. He was 84 years old. Michael lived on the Lower East Side his entire life. He served in the Marines during World War II and fought in the Battle of Guadalcanal. He received an honorable discharge from the Marines as Sergeant on October 31, 1945. Michael worked for 54 years for the New York Times. He is survived by his wife, Lucy; his daughters, Constance Pradelli and Rae Ann Michele, and four grandchildren, Carl, Michele, Michael and Lucille.
from Michael's daughter Connie
Great article. My Dad served sixth marines, 15th artillery regiment. He passed away 15 years ago. I've been watching the new series on the History Channel about WWII...very well done. They showed some rare footage that has never been seen before. I find myself searching images for my father's face, but you know the pictures from WWII are old, grainy and all the soldiers basically look the same. Again, great article Thanks.


  1. Hello. I came across Michael Criscitello's obituary while doing some random searches on my last name (criscitello).
    I am astounded by the similarities Michael Criscitello shares with my father James Criscitello.
    My Dad died in 1996 at the age of 70. Lived on the EAST SIDE of Binghamton, NY his whole life. He served in WW2, SIXTH MARINE DIVISION, 15th ARTILLERY REGIMENT. He also fought on GUADALCANAL and OKINOWA. And guess what his daughter's name is (that would be me)?......CONNIE....!

  2. My Dad James Criscitello certainly had alot in common with Michael Criscitello.
    James lived on the EAST SIDE too(east side of Binghamton, NY). James passed away in 1996 at the age of 70. James also served in WWII in the SIXTH MARINES 15th ARTILLERY REGIMENT. He also fought on GUADALCANAL AND OKINOWA. And get this...his daughter is also named CONNIE (that would be me).
