Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gluckstern's: 135 Delancey Street

The jingle is from the Yiddish Radio Hour, sung by the Barry Sisters  from someone selling a quill pen from Gluckstern's on ebay
Gluckstern's Restaurant was a Jewish or Yiddish restaurant that started in NYC in the early 1900s. This restaurant with its home cooked style meals (Romanian, Hungarian, Slavic and Corned Beef and Cabbage "Kosher" Style) was popular with a lot of the stars of the era as well as having a loyal following with the general public. I have a nice 1959 write up on the restaurant and I found mention of the restaurant in some 1960s era publications but I don't find any info after that point, so it looks like this restaurant was around over 60 years and then must have closed. I checked the 135 Delancey St Address in a current search and it seems to be a parking garage or lot.
The Fabulous Kuperstein twins had their bar mitzvah at Gluckstern's


  1. not sure but there may have been two Gluckstern's. One might have been "Phil Gluckstern's." and/or been in midtown. I ate there (wherever it was) several times, as a child in the 1940s.

  2. My parents were married at Gluckstern's Restaurant at 135 Delancey Street in 1945. That restaurant had been the subject of a feud between the two brothers who started the company - later on the son (and nephew) of one of the brothers opened "Phil Gluckstern's Original Restaurant" in the theater district. There was an ongoing lawsuit into the 1950s. I ate at Phil's in 1968.

  3. I recently found an old photo of my dad and some relatives in front of Gluckstern's Restaurant taken in 1948 and believe that my parents were married there too.

  4. I had my Bar Mitzvah at Glucksterns at 80 Norfolk St on May 5, 1962. My father loved the food and his mother would only eat kosher and she trusted the kitchen. The menu is hoot .. chopped liver appetizer 30 cents! Roumanian tenderloin steak $1.35!

  5. I was married at glucksterns in 1956 bernice

  6. MY dad used to say "what is this, Gluckstern's?" when anyone started to clean the table before he was done eating. :~)
