From the Sarasota Patch
By Marc Maturo
Joe Bruno is perhaps one of the most direct people I know. When he speaks his mind, you know precisely where he stands – just as he has done for many years in epistolary fashion with a local newspaper columnist.
This should not be surprising perhaps for a transplanted New Yorker who, he clearly recalls, was ripped from the outset for his accent. Ripped or not, the former parking lot owner and writer hosted his own radio show—"In the Know with Joltin' Joe -- on WQSA (1220) from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. each day. He did that for about two years without a co-host. "That wasn't easy -- and I can talk," Joe noted, with an obvious but unintended understatement.
One of his early guests was an 11- or 12-year-old Russian tennis player, Maria Sharapova, who was taking boxing lessons for her conditioning on the advice of Floridian Harold Wilen.
Bruno – who served in Vietnam aboard the USS Constellation in the Gulf of Tonkin -- also sold commercial real estate as well (bars and restaurants) and kept writing, kept writing and kept writing.
Bruno's latest novel, Find Big Fat Fanny Fast, is the second he has had published; the other is Angel of Death.
So, Joe, can we now call you a novelist? To which the 63-year-old Atkins diet proponent – he works out five days a week at Lifestyle Gym – bellowed in his patented staccato-like manner: "Novelist! I've been a novelist for 30 years! I had two in the 80's, but didn't get published; you don't have to be published to be a writer."
Bruno relocated to Sarasota in 1995 following the breakup of his marriage to be near his children Nancy Cason, an associate at the Ringling Blvd. law firm of Syprett, Mishad, Resnick and Lieb; and his son Joe Jr., a preacher with the Church of Christ in Charlotte, N.C. – "Can you imagine this!" Bruno the Elder exclaims, himself in amazement.
Bruno had met a gal named Jeanie in 1988 and, lo and behold, they formally tied the knot this past April.
"Now they can say, Joe Bruno finally did the right thing," Bruno pontificated.
But, Bruno still feels like an outsider. "Accepted? Yeah – no," he says. "Not really. When I sold bars and restaurants I was out almost every night. What abuse I took. When you're from up north, especially a New Yorker, you're an outsider. I hide in my house. I'm the only guy in Sarasota with a baseball bat near every door."
On a sign attached to his front door are various messages. Among them:
* Don't knock unless you are leaving a package.
* If you knock, I won't be very happy.
* If you want a friend, get a dog.
"Even the post office is afraid to knock on my door. Let's face it I'm a fish out of water. I've been here 15 years and never met anyone from New York City … just one guy from Brooklyn. I have one good friend and he's not from Sarasota, he's from Scotland. He lives outside London now. He comes here on a visa; comes after Thanksgiving and stays six months. He was the best man at my wedding and I can't understand a word he says."
What then, would keep Joe the Patriot here in Florida despite the drawbacks, perceived or otherwise.
"Where am I going to go?" asks the Patriot, who spent his pre-Sarasota years in New York at Knickerbocker Village on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. "It's like paradise here. I have a house with a pool. I'm 63 now, can't drink every night and my wife works. I have four dogs, one cat and a bird. We have to take separate vacations because someone has to watch the animals.
"They're going to have to carry me out of this house in a box. If I was younger, I'd be back in New York. But if I went back, it would cost me $4,000 a month for two bedrooms. And at my age, No. 1, the cold is no good for me; No. 2 it's paradise (here). The only problem is, all my friends, my real friends are in New York. "
Although he's "still a maniac in a cage," – his own words – Bruno keeps pounding the keyboard, producing 800-word essays on American mobsters, dating back to 1825. One book of excerpts is his next project, and then two more volumes will focus on New York. "Another book I'll be doing will be on 'rats', informers -- you know, like Sammy The Bull (Gravano)," Bruno rattles on, relentlessly. "I'm tied up with book deals for the next five years, and I have a screenplay that will be turned into a novel."
And with that, abruptly, the stream of consciousness ends. "Got enough? If you need more, let me know."
The print version of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast is available here
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Triangle Factory Fire Aftermath
The above is from the Red Cross report on the distribution of aid to triangle victims and families.
I recently learned that many of the survivors of the fire were not listed and that there were many black people who worked at the factory in janitorial jobs.
I recently learned that many of the survivors of the fire were not listed and that there were many black people who worked at the factory in janitorial jobs.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 1921: Hamilton House Toy and Clothing Giveaway
Christmas Coulter Hamilton 1921
The story mentions Major Wiliam Francis Deegan It also says that the 79th Street Neighborhood House, the Lincoln House, and Hamilton House were branches of the Henry Street Settlement. The Lincoln Houe on west 63rd Street was for the "colored"
The story mentions Major Wiliam Francis Deegan It also says that the 79th Street Neighborhood House, the Lincoln House, and Hamilton House were branches of the Henry Street Settlement. The Lincoln Houe on west 63rd Street was for the "colored"
Was This Harry Eldredge?
Below, a portion of the census for the above building in 1910. Most of the inhabitants were either black or listed as mixed white.

I tried to find the Harry Eldredge who worked at the Triangle Factory in the 1910 census. Maybe it was the Harry who lived at the above address with his wife Martha
(mixed). Harry's job was listed as a coachman for a private family.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal 1979 Film
A few minutes of the movie's opening. A hard to find film and not really worth the premium price it commands. I found it useful for giving a basic understanding of the events for kids although I edit certain scenes. A movie goof
At one point one of the ladies working in the factory makes reference to having seen Charlie Chaplin. This film is set in 1911; Chaplin didn't make his first film until 1914 and would have been completely unknown in America in 1911.Tovah Feldshuh, one of the stars of the film, will be the narrator of a 2011 HBO documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.
Harry Eldredge Testifies At Triangle Hearing
This is new to me, that there were black people employed at the factory. It's possible that Eldredge wasn't working that day or left earlier since he isn't listed as a survivor.
Anna Howard Shaw "Day"
Anna Howard Shaw (February 14, 1847 – July 2, 1919) was a leader of the women's suffrage movement in the United States. She was also a physician and the first ordained female Methodist minister in the United States.
Shaw was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, but was brought to the United States as a small child. Her family initially lived in Lawrence, Massachusetts, but soon moved to the Michigan frontier where they lived in a floorless log cabin in the wilderness. After the Civil War, Shaw, now a teenager, moved in with her sister in Big Rapids, Michigan. Inspired by the sermons of a Unitarian minister, Marianna Thompson, Shaw decided to pursue a religious life. Shaw delivered her first sermon in 1870. Soon she was preaching in towns throughout the area.
Shaw entered Albion College, a Methodist school in Albion, Michigan, in 1873. From there she went on to Boston University School of Theology where she graduated in 1876. She was the only woman in her graduating class. She paid her own expenses through college and university by preaching and lecturing. After serving as a minister at Methodist churches in Hingham and East Dennis, Massachusetts, Shaw was ordained by the Methodist Protestant Church in 1880—the first ordination of a woman by that church. She received an M.D. from Boston University in 1886. During her time in medical school, Shaw became an outspoken advocate of political rights for women. She was also active in the temperance movement and served as national superintendent of franchise for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union from 1886 to 1892.
Shaw became a confidant of Susan B. Anthony in the woman's suffrage movement, leading the National American Woman Suffrage Association from 1904 to 1915. During her tenure as president, the organization renewed efforts to lobby for a national constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote. Due to growing factionalism within the organization, Shaw decided not to run for reelection in 1915. She was succeeded by Carrie Chapman Catt.
During World War I, Shaw was head of the Women's Committee of the United States Council of National Defense, for which she became the first woman to earn the Distinguished Service Medal.
Shaw died of pneumonia at her home in Moylan, Pennsylvania at the age of seventy-two, only a few months before Congress ratified the Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
In 2000, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. Anna Howard Shaw Day is celebrated on her birthday, February 14th, (or the nearest Sunday by an act of the United Methodist Church or by some feminists as an alternative to Valentine's Day. The NBC show 30 Rock referenced the holiday as an alternative to Valentine's Day in the episode "Anna Howard Shaw Day".
Meyer London: 279 East Broadway
Meyer London (1871—1926) was an American politician from New York City. He is best remembered as one of only two members of the Socialist Party of America elected to the United States Congress.
Meyer London was born in Kalvarija, Lithuania (then part of the Russian Empire) on December 29, 1871. Meyer's father, Efraim London, was a former Talmudic scholar who had become politically revolutionary and philosophically agnostic, while his mother had remained a devotee of Judaism. His father had established himself as a grain merchant in Zenkov, a small town located in Poltava province of the Ukraine, but his financial situation was poor and in 1888 his father emigrated with Meyer's younger brother to the United States, leaving Meyer behind.
Meyer attended Cheder, a traditional Jewish primary school in which he learned Hebrew, before entering Russian-language schools to begin his secular education.[2] In 1891, when Meyer was 20, the family decided to follow his father to America so Meyer terminated his studies and departed for New York City, taking up residence in the city's largely Jewish Lower East Side.
In America, Meyer's father had become a commercial printer, doing jobs in the Yiddish, Russian, and English languages and publishing his own radical weekly called Morgenstern. Efraim London's shop was a hub of activity, bringing together Jewish radical intellectuals from throughout the city, many of whom met and influenced the printer's son with their ideas.
Meyer earned money as a tutor, taking on pupils at irregular hours and teaching literature and other topics. He later obtained a job as a librarian, a position which allowed him sufficient time to read about history and politics and to study law in his free time. Meyer also frequented radical meetings, gradually developing proficiency as a public speaker and participant in public debates.
In 1896, London was accepted to the law school of New York University, attending most of his classes at night. He completed the program and was admitted to the New York state bar in 1898, becoming a labor lawyer, taking on cases which fought injunctions or defending the rights of tenants against the transgressions of landlords. London did not handle criminal cases, but rather limited himself to matter of civil law.
In 1898, London ran for New York Assembly in the old 4th Assembly District, as the candidate of the Social Democratic Party of America, successor organization of Debs' Social Democracy.
London was active in the 1910 New York Cloakmakers Strike, during which the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) brought out 50,000 in a successful struggle for higher wages and better work conditions against their employers. In his capacity as counsel for the ILGWU, London drew up and published a communique in the name of the strike committee.[10] In this manifesto, London declared:
"We charge the employers with ruining the great trade built up by the industrious immigrants. We charge them with having corrupted the morale of thousands employed in the cloak trade.... Treachery, slavishness and espionage are encouraged by the employers as great virtues of the cloakmakers. This general strike is greater than any union. It is an irresistible movement of the people. It is a protest against conditions that can no longer be tolerated. This is the first great attempt to regulate conditions in the trade, to do away with that anarchy and chaos which keeps some of the men working sixteen hours a day during the hottest months of the year while thousands of others have no employment whatever.... We appeal to the people of America to assist us in our struggle."
London argued against an injunction issued against the strikers before the New York Supreme Court en route to a victory of the strikers after a labor action lasting the better part of two months.
In January 1916, London was joined by Socialist Party leaders James Maurer and Morris Hillquit in a meeting with President Woodrow Wilson trying to forestall American entry into World War I.
London's place in the cloakmakers' strike made him one of the best-known public faces of the Socialist Party in New York City and over the course of three runs for Congress he gradually constructed a winning coalition, emerging victorious despite the violence and fraud practiced by the campaign of his Tammany Hall-supported Democratic opponent in the election of 1914. London thus became the second Socialist elected to Congress, following Wisconsin's Victor Berger.
As a Congressman, Meyer London was one of 50 representatives and six senators to vote against entry into World War I. Once America was at war, however, London felt obliged to support the nation's efforts in the conflict. He strongly opposed the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, which made criticism of the president or the war a crime. These actions angered his constituency, London said, "I wonder whether I am to be punished for having had the courage to vote against the war or for standing by my country’s decision when it chose war."
The Aftermath Of The Triangle Fire: Shaw, London and Hillquit Speak Out
an excerpt from the full nytimes' article
It would be great if the Meyer London School, PS 2 on Henry Street and the Anna Howard Shaw School, aka the Children's Workshop/East Village Community School, on East 12th Street, were involved with the 100th anniversary of the triangle shirtwaist fire
It would be great if the Meyer London School, PS 2 on Henry Street and the Anna Howard Shaw School, aka the Children's Workshop/East Village Community School, on East 12th Street, were involved with the 100th anniversary of the triangle shirtwaist fire
Nicholas Georgiade: A Greek Portraying An Italian
I was hoping that Nick had links to the Greek immigrant community in the Fourth Ward. His roots, however, are in Queens.
Nicholas Georgiade (born May 25, 1933, New York City) is an American actor of television and film.
He is a veteran of 37 movies and television programs. His television career began on the December 11, 1958 Playhouse 90 episode titled Seven Against the Wall with Warren Oates, Tige Andrews, and Paul Lambert. Georgiade followed this with playing Tommy on the January 23, 1960 Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse episode Meeting at Appalachia which included Cameron Mitchell and Jack Warden. Other appearances on such notable programs as Hawaiian Eye, Hawaii Five-O, Batman, I Spy, Kojak, and The Rockford Files. He had a recurring role from 1959—1963 as Agent Enrico Rossi on 105 episodes of the 1959 hit program, The Untouchables. Agent Enrico Rossi, the lone Italian member of the elite law enforcement squad. Georgiade had played a hood in the pilot episode for the show but the producers liked his presence and cast him as a regular member of the good guys once the show was picked up as a weekly series. Has lived in Las Vegas with his wife for many years and still does some occasional stage and film work
The Untouchables And Almost KV
Plot Summary for "The Untouchables" Stranglehold (1961)from the internet movie database
Frank Makouris, associated with the New York mob and Dutch Schultz, controls the city's Fulton Fish Market which provides much of the fish in the Eastern United States. Anything the fisherman might need - docking rights, ice, wholesalers - can only be had with a payment to Makouris. Eliot Ness is invited by the US Attorney in New York to help bring Makouris down. They find that one fisherman in particular, Capt. Joe McGonigle, is prepared to help them out but even then, Makouris manages to have Ness' phone tapped and they get to McGonigle before he can testify. Ordered by the mob bosses to knock off the violence, Makouris oversteps the mark and the Syndicate orders him to get rid of his enforcer, Lennie Shore.Ricardo Montalban as a Greek!
A KV Christmas Present: Archival Images From The Museum Of The City Of New York
The Museum has recently added thousands of images to its digital collection.
I found these KV gems there. The nytimes had an article about the new feature on December 23
The first four appear to be from the west court. The fifth picture I believe is Cherry Street looking west from Market. The last picture I believe is from the east court looking towards Cherry Street.
The Museum has recently added thousands of images to its digital collection.
I found these KV gems there. The nytimes had an article about the new feature on December 23
The first four appear to be from the west court. The fifth picture I believe is Cherry Street looking west from Market. The last picture I believe is from the east court looking towards Cherry Street.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
1953: "Old Timers" Remember The Triangle Fire: Jacob Panken
about Jacob Panken
Jacob Panken (1879 – 1968) was an American socialist politician, best remembered for his tenure as a New York municipal judge and frequent candidacies for high elected office on the ticket of the Socialist Party of America.
He was born January 13, 1879, in Kiev, Ukraine, then part of the Russian empire. He was the son of ethnic Jewish parents, Herman Panken and Feiga Berman Panken. His father was employed as a merchant.The family emigrated to the United States in 1890, arriving at New York City, a city in which the family settled.
Panken went to work at age 12, working first making purses and pocketbooks. He later worked as a farmhand, a bookkeeper, and an accountant.
Panken married the former Rachel Pallay on February 20, 1910. His wife would eventually be a Socialist Party politician in her own right, running for the New York City Board of Aldermen in 1919 and for New York State Assembly in 1928 and 1934.
In 1901, Panken left accountancy to go to work as an organizer for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Returning to the industry in which he first worked as a child, Panken was an organizer of the Purse and Bag Workers' Union in 1903.
Panken graduated from New York University Law School in 1905 and became a practicing attorney in the city.
An outspoken opponent of World War I, Panken was a member of the People's Council for Democracy and Peace in 1917.
Panken attended the 1912 National Convention of the Socialist Party of America (SPA), to which he delivered the report of the "Jewish Socialist Agitation Bureau," forerunner of the Jewish Socialist Federation.
Panken was a public advocate of civil rights for black Americans, sitting on the advisory board of an organization established in 1919 by Chandler Owen and A. Phillip Randolph, the National Association for the Promotion of Labor Unionism Among Negroes, the motto of which was "black and white workers unite."
Panken was a leading figure in the bitter 1919 Emergency National Convention of the SPA, chairing the all-important Credentials Committee which acted as a filter to insure the victory of the "Regular" faction headed by Executive Secretary Adolph Germer, New York state party leader Julius Gerber, and National Executive Committee member James Oneal. He was also a delegate to subsequent SPA conventions held in 1920, 1924, and 1932.
Panken was frequent candidate for public office on the ticket of the Socialist Party. He was first a candidate for New York State Senate in the 11th District in 1908.[ He ran for State Assembly from New York County's 8th District the following year. In 1910 he ran for Justice of the New York Supreme Court for the first time, later pursuing the office again in 1929 and 1931.
Panken won election to a ten-year term as a municipal judge in New York in 1917, the first Socialist to be elected to New York City's Municipal Court. In 1927, he declined to accept endorsement from both the Republican and Communist parties and was defeated in his re-election bid. The 1927 election was the first in the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn to use voting machines in all districts. The result of the election was challenged, with allegations of vote rigging, including an allegation that the lever for Panken's name was rendered inoperable in one district.
While sitting as a judge, he remained a candidate for high offices on behalf of the Socialist Party, pursuing a seat as U.S. Senator from New York in 1920 and running for Mayor of New York in 1921. He was ran for U.S. Congress in 1922 and 1930; for Governor of New York in 1926, and for Chief Judge in 1932.
During the bitter internal party fight that swept the Socialist Party during the second half of the 1930s, Panken was a committed adherent of the so-called "Old Guard faction" headed by Louis Waldman and James Oneal. In 1936 he exited the SPA along with his co-thinkers to help found the Social Democratic Federation.
Panken was one of the most outspoken anti-Zionists on the Jewish left, a key supporter of the Jewish Newsletter published by William Zukerman as well as of the American Council for Judaism.
In 1934, he was appointed to the Domestic Relations Court by Mayor Fiorello La Guardia and served until his retirement in 1955.
Panken died in The Bronx on February 4, 1968, at the age of 89. His papers are housed at the Wisconsin Historical Society on the campus of the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Comrade Yetta Of East Broadway
link to download the book
A review of a 1913 book that dealt with striking garment workers.
an excerpt
Source: The Cry For Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest, ed. by Upton Sinclair, John C. Winston Co., 1915.
Transcribed: for in January, 2002.
A review of a 1913 book that dealt with striking garment workers.
an excerpt
Source: The Cry For Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest, ed. by Upton Sinclair, John C. Winston Co., 1915.
Transcribed: for in January, 2002.
(The story of an East Side sweat-shop worker who becomes a strike-leader. The present scene describes a meeting in Carnegie Hall)
YETTA stood there alone, the blood mounting to her cheeks, looking more and more like an orchid, and waited for the storm to pass.
"I'm not going to talk about this strike," she said when she could make herself heard. "It's over. I want to tell you about the next one--and the next. I wish very much I could make you understand about the strikes that are coming....
"Perhaps there's some of you never thought much about strikes till now. There's been strikes all the time. I don't believe there's ever been a year when there wasn't dozens here in New York. When we began, the skirt-finishers was out. They lost their strike. They went hungry just the way we did, but nobody helped them. And they're worse now than ever. There ain't no difference between one strike and another. Perhaps they are striking for more pay or recognition or closed shops. But the next strike'll be just like ours. It'll be people fighting so they won't be so much slaves like they was before.
"The Chairmen said perhaps I'd tell you about my experience. There ain't nothing to tell except everybody has been awful kind to me. It's fine to have people so kind to me. But I'd rather if they'd try to understand what this strike business means to all of us workers--this strike we've won and the ones that are coming....
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Gotham Court, Sweeney's Shambles and Paradise Alley
Knickerbocker Village's favorite NYC historian Kevin Baker will be speaking before Bronx teachers next month as part of a Teaching American History Grant. The topic will be his book Paradise Alley. Here, in an excerpt from the full interview, Kevin discusses the history surrounding the book
A Conversation with Kevin Baker
Q. You've written Dreamland, a novel set in 1910s New York, and you've done research for Harold Evan's The American Century. How did you come across the historical events described in Paradise Alley and why did you decide to write about them?
KB: I first came across the events depicted in Paradise Alley, when my father gave me a copy of Herbert Asbury's The Gangs of New York to read, over 30 years ago. Having grown up in America in the 1960s, I was not terribly surprised by the idea of urban riots, or by protests over a draft — it seemed, in those days, that every time you turned on the TV you saw a halftrack rolling down a city street — but I was stunned by how violent and furious these protests from the 1860s were. Asbury's book, which is now emerging as a classic of our hidden history, is not terribly long on accuracy; an estimated 119 people died, instead of the 2,000 he claims. But it was, still, the worst riot in American history, and something that was very alien to the received history I had about the Civil War, and what kind of a fight it was, and who the good guys and the bad guys were. I wanted to know more — and what I learned, I thought, made for a great story.
Q. You've placed three women at the center of your narrative and each is portrayed with a striking degree of intimacy. How did you, as a man, get to know these characters? Was it difficult finding their voices?
KB: I always find it difficult to get any character's voice down. I know that the conventional wisdom of today is that one should not be able to truly depict anyone not exactly one's own self, but that would mean the death of literature. There is always a lot of groping in the dark, and it's even harder, of course, when you're dealing with a different time period. I have been fortunate enough to know many wonderful women in my life, my wife, sisters, mother, many friends. I have learned a great deal from them all, and I feel that I know many of them better than the male friends and relatives I have. The gap between the sexes is great, but it is not so wide as to preclude the basics of human love, fear, desire, greed, etc.
Q. In Paradise Alley, you're delving deep into the heart of Irish Roman-Catholicism. Was it easy to become familiar with the cultural norms and behavioral patterns of a different religion?
KB: As it happens, much of my father's family is Catholic, and I have attended a number of masses in my life. It's not exactly another world to me. But yes, I was brought up in different Protestant faiths — and on top of this difference, I had to find out what the Catholic church in America was like in the 19th century. In this endeavor, I was fortunate enough to have the help of several priests in the New York area, all of whom had a good historical perspective, and several books that I cite in the bibliography. The differences between then and now are not vast, but in general the Catholic church in America was, at the time of Paradise Alley, poorer, more defensive, more besieged, more persecuted, somewhat more proper and conservative, and perhaps a little more directly involved with life in the streets, where most of its communicants were living.
Q. Your use of geographical landmarks brings to life vividly the anatomy of historical New York. Which places are real and which are fictional? Where could we find Paradise Alley today?
KB: Paradise Alley was a very real place, an alley that emerged from a terrible double tenement known as "Sweeney's Shambles." Both are long gone, thank goodness. Their approximate location was just off Cherry Street, behind where the New York Post printing plant is today, and about where the Smith Houses currently stand. The anatomy of the whole Fourth Ward over there is very much changed now, and scarcely recognizable. Gone, too, are the old homes of The New York Times and the Tribune, the grand old hotels such as the Astor House and the St. Nicholas, and most of the tenements of the old Five Points.
But many other buildings are still standing, such as the churchyard of the Old St. Patrick's (the church itself burned and was rebuilt shortly after the Civil War), where Tom meets Deirdre; New York's graceful, Georgian City Hall; Federal Hall, the old Sub-Treasury building, where they kept the gold, and quite a few older residential buildings. The oldest known tenement, for instance — dating back to at least 1824 — still stands, at 65 Mott Street, in the heart of Chinatown. The Lower East Side of New York is truly a unique place in America, a neighborhood that has been a poor, immigrant community continuously for at least 175 years. The ethnic groups have changed — from Irish and German, to Jewish, Eastern European, and Italian, to Hispanic and Asian — but the flavor of struggle, of aspiration, of sheer density and poverty, still remains. To get a very vivid idea of how new Americans lived from the 1850s to the 1930s, I would highly recommend that one visit The Lower East Side Tenement Museum, at 97 Orchard Street, which has preserved an old tenement and created inside replicas of how various apartments looked during different ages. I certainly did — which is why no location in Paradise Alley is made up out of wholecloth.
gotham court,
kevin baker,
paradise alley,
Ward 4
Down Among The Lowly: 1871 In The Fourth Ward
the last page of the doument mention Sweeney's Shambles
an excerpt from rootsweb
the last page of the doument mention Sweeney's Shambles
an excerpt from rootsweb
One of the main streets in the Fourth Ward was Water Street. The police reported that every building along Water housed either a saloon, dance hall or bordello on one of its floors. It was common for a family to live one floor away from a bordello. For almost a quarter of a century, Water Street was the highest crime area in New York City.
Cherry Street became infamous during the mid-1800s. Cherry was lined with boarding houses that were known as 'crimp houses.' Since the Fourth Ward was on the water, many ships would dock and its crew disembark into the city for the night. Many seamen would rent rooms in these boarding houses for the night. However, though the sign outside said 'boarding house' it was just a ruse. The unsuspecting seaman would pay for his room and retire for the night. Once the seaman was asleep, the denizens of the boarding house would sneak into his room, usually through a hidden panel in the wall, then 'crimp' or rob and murder him. The seaman's body was then dragged downstairs and dumped into the sewer. 'Crimp house' residents usually consist of the
landlord, prostitutes and maybe a bartender or two. Sometimes the people of the boarding house would simply drug the seaman while he enjoyed some liquor on the ground floor of the building. Chloral hydrate was the drug of choice for crimpers, but laudanum and opium were also used.
These drugs could be purchased fairly easily on any street in the Fourth Ward. Opium was not hard to come by as the area was full of opium dens. The crimpers would put such a large dosage of chloral hydrate into the seaman's drink, that it would kill him shortly after consuming it. Crimp houses had a mortality rate of seventeen percent. Many women found work as prostitutes in the numerous bordellos throughout the Fourth Ward. Children were also sold into prostitution -- their customers
being either adults or other children. Unlike Five Points which was largely a business area, the Old Fourth Ward was mostly residential. Tenements littered every block. Arch Block was a famous tenement building that was so large it covered the entire block from Thompson to Sullivan Street between Broome and Grand. While the Old Brewery in Five Points was enough to give people nightmares, it wasn't as bad as Gotham Court, nicknamed Sweeney's Shambles. Sweeney's Shambles held the dishonor of being the worse tenement in New York City history. Not much is known now of the history of the building except that the nickname came from the landlord, Sweeney.
Sweeney's Shambles was a huge imposing tenement complex that stood at 36 and 38 Cherry Street. It consisted of two rows of connected tenement houses, 130 feet in length. It was the home of over 1000 people, mostly Irish. You could only enter Sweeney's Shambles through one of two alleyways that ran around the building. On the East side was Single Alley, a mere 6 feet in width. On the West side was the 9-foot wide Double Alley, also known as Paradise Alley.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Graphic History Book
A good representation of the story for younger kids and struggling readers. An excerpt I put together from its google books' site
Triangle Comic Combined
Triangle Comic Combined
Monday, December 20, 2010
Hyman Meshel, Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Survivor
While armed troops gather in Minsk today due to a standoff in recent elections one can recall a son of Minsk who survived a much more harrowing event almost 100 years ago.
Meshel Docs
I put together the Times' story of his survival along with census records of Meshel to chart his life after the fire. Sometime after 1920 he moved from his East 15th Street address to Plainfield, New Jersey and became a baker. He was married to a woman named Fanny. He lived at 525 Somerset Street. Sometime around 1940 he moved to Newark. The Social Security Death index has him passing away in January of 1969 in Cape Canaveral Florida at the age of 80.
Meshel Docs
I put together the Times' story of his survival along with census records of Meshel to chart his life after the fire. Sometime after 1920 he moved from his East 15th Street address to Plainfield, New Jersey and became a baker. He was married to a woman named Fanny. He lived at 525 Somerset Street. Sometime around 1940 he moved to Newark. The Social Security Death index has him passing away in January of 1969 in Cape Canaveral Florida at the age of 80.
Brooklyn Fancy Cakes......4th Ward Origins
An excerpt from the 12/17 nytimes
Brooklyn’s Allure? Fancy Cakes, Dahling
Because of cheap rents and relative proximity to the affluent if demanding customers of Manhattan, at least five bakeries have settled within a two-mile radius of one another. “You’re not going to get customers to come out and meet you in Queens,” Ms. Gamble said. “But they will come in to Brooklyn.”.....
A few blocks up Columbia Street from Elegantly Iced is Nine Cakes, which Betsy Thorleifson, a former harpsichordist from Washington State, opened just over a year ago, focusing on tiered specialty cakes. In Carroll Gardens, Karyn Kwok opened Kakes in May, and this summer displayed her cartoonish cakes, including giant cheeseburgers and Oreos, in her Sackett Street window. Two miles away, in a second-floor kitchen, is Made in Heaven, which moved from Staten Island to Gowanus two years ago in search of a “higher-end clientele,” Lisa Zagami said. She runs the business with her husband and 21-year-old daughter.
The Zagamis trace their baking roots to Lisa’s father, Anthony, who ran Savola, an Italian bakery on the Lower East Side, for 35 years. Lisa’s husband, Victor, worked at Brooklyn’s best Italian bakeries — like Villabate and Argento’s — before becoming a correction officer for 20 years. After he retired, “we dragged him back in,” Lisa Zagami said.
Their daughter, Victoria, graduated recently from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park and worked in Manhattan with Colette Peters — whom Lisa Zagami calls “the Picasso of cakes” — before joining her parents’ 15-year-old wedding cake operation.
Victoria Zagami’s first edible artwork was helping her mother design her first communion cake at age 7. Until she joined the family business a year ago, the shop did mostly traditional tiered wedding and special-occasion cakes. “Now we’re doing more intricate, whimsical things,” she said....
Brooklyn’s Allure? Fancy Cakes, Dahling
Because of cheap rents and relative proximity to the affluent if demanding customers of Manhattan, at least five bakeries have settled within a two-mile radius of one another. “You’re not going to get customers to come out and meet you in Queens,” Ms. Gamble said. “But they will come in to Brooklyn.”.....
A few blocks up Columbia Street from Elegantly Iced is Nine Cakes, which Betsy Thorleifson, a former harpsichordist from Washington State, opened just over a year ago, focusing on tiered specialty cakes. In Carroll Gardens, Karyn Kwok opened Kakes in May, and this summer displayed her cartoonish cakes, including giant cheeseburgers and Oreos, in her Sackett Street window. Two miles away, in a second-floor kitchen, is Made in Heaven, which moved from Staten Island to Gowanus two years ago in search of a “higher-end clientele,” Lisa Zagami said. She runs the business with her husband and 21-year-old daughter.
The Zagamis trace their baking roots to Lisa’s father, Anthony, who ran Savola, an Italian bakery on the Lower East Side, for 35 years. Lisa’s husband, Victor, worked at Brooklyn’s best Italian bakeries — like Villabate and Argento’s — before becoming a correction officer for 20 years. After he retired, “we dragged him back in,” Lisa Zagami said.
Their daughter, Victoria, graduated recently from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park and worked in Manhattan with Colette Peters — whom Lisa Zagami calls “the Picasso of cakes” — before joining her parents’ 15-year-old wedding cake operation.
Victoria Zagami’s first edible artwork was helping her mother design her first communion cake at age 7. Until she joined the family business a year ago, the shop did mostly traditional tiered wedding and special-occasion cakes. “Now we’re doing more intricate, whimsical things,” she said....
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
See You In September
"See You in September", is a song written by Sid Wayne and Sherman Edwards in 1959 which was a Top 30 hit that summer as first recorded by the Tempos; when remade by the Happenings in 1966 the song reached #3.
Sid Wayne would recall the song's inception: "I was in the habit of going from my home on Long Island every day to Brill Building, on Tin Pan Alley [to] meet with different songwriters there. We'd eat at Jack Dempsey's or The Turf Restaurant and then we'd go up to one of the publishers' offices and work in the piano room. We'd sit around saying to each other, 'What do you want to write today? A hit or a standard?'" At 11 a.m. on a Friday in June 1959 Wayne thus met up with Sherman Edwards: "he said, 'What do you want to write?' 'I'd like to write a song called See You in September,"' I said. We talked it back and forth and I think I may have contributed part of the opening music, but with Sherman it didn't matter, because he could throw me back half the lyric - that's how he worked. I think probably by two in the afternoon we got the song finished. It needed to be written; it was like boiling inside of us."
By 4:30 p.m. that day Wayne and Edwards had reworked their composition, simplifying it so as to appeal to the teen demographic, and proceeded to make the rounds of publishers to pitch the song which, after one rejection, met with an enthusiastic reception from Jack Gold, owner of the local Paris label, who by 8 p.m. had telephoned the Tempos1 in their hometown of Pittsburgh. The group had been flown in to New York City by the next day: Saturday. Sid Wayne - ""By Monday the record was cut [with the Billy Mure orchestra], test pressings were Thursday, and by Friday the song was played on WNEW in New York. The thing took off like wildfire....Five hundred dollars to split between the two of us [ie. Wayne & Edwards]...was a damn good week's pay in 1961."
In fact the Tempos' "See You in September" failed to become a hit in the New York City area and despite breaking in San Francisco in June of 1959 the single did not reach the national charts until that July. Despite a subsequent swift ascent of the Billboard Hot 100, the single's momentum fell sharply at the end of August with a resultant #23 peak. Although overshadowed by the Happenings' #3 remake, the Tempos' version of "See You in September" did gain considerable currency in 1973 by virtue of its inclusion on the American Graffiti soundtrack.
I'll be alone each and every night
While you're away, don't forget to write
See you in September
See you when the summers through
Here we are
Saying goodbye at the station
Summer vacation
Is taking you away
Have a good time but remember
There is danger in the summer moon above
Will I see you in September
Or lose you to a summer love
Counting the days till I'll be with you
Counting the hours and the minutes too
Have a good time but remember
There is danger in the summer moon above
Will I see you in September
Or lose you to a summer love
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Step Lively Aunt Lillie
an excerpt from cbs news 8/16/2010
she's at the 42 second mark
she's at the 42 second mark
Rogue Riding? NYC Bicyclists ‘Way Out Of Control’
NYPD Issues 15,000 Tickets To Riders Viewed As Nuisance
NEW YORK (CBS 2) – The NYPD is on a ticket blitz, giving cyclists more than 15,000 violations so far this year. Many pedestrians say it’s about time and fear the city’s push to get people pedaling has led to danger on the streets and sidewalks. Some have even dubbed it “bike bedlam.”
The Big Apple is racing to become the bike capital of the world and the Bloomberg administration has added more bike racks, paths and lanes.
However, as CBS 2’s Tony Aiello found out, spending a few minutes along the new bike lane on First Avenue makes clear that plenty of New Yorkers have little liking for the biking.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Savoia's Pastry Shop: 35 Catherine Street
I got these from Lisa Zagemi yesterday
She owns:
Made in Heaven Cakes
Custom and Specialty Cakes
530 Third Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
At the KV Reunion back in May, Nancy Sing Bock talked about how special summers were because of
the ices from Savoia
Hi David, It's Lisa, sorry I haven't been in touch. HereLisa carries on the family tradition along with her husband and her sister Francine.
are a few photos my dad, Anthony Favazza, gave me of the front of the bakery. I am going to see if I have see any others. BTW everyone called my dad Sonny.
She owns:
Made in Heaven Cakes
Custom and Specialty Cakes
530 Third Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
At the KV Reunion back in May, Nancy Sing Bock talked about how special summers were because of
the ices from Savoia
Friday, July 16, 2010
I was curious about the Cascarets sign from the 1903 East River photo. Sure enough they were used as a laxative. Boy folks in the early 1900's were very concerned about BM's!. In the above I put together images I found of Cascarets.
I was curious about the Cascarets sign from the 1903 East River photo. Sure enough they were used as a laxative. Boy folks in the early 1900's were very concerned about BM's!. In the above I put together images I found of Cascarets.
1903: East River From The Williamsburg Bridge, Close-Ups
I zoomed in on a higher resolution picture from the previous post to highlight some of the landmarks I could recognize. I used an 1891 map to help.
Joe Petrosino: 2006 Movie Excerpt
from a 2006 Italian made movie
from the youtube poster
In memory of the most important italian-american police agent, he fought against the mafia carrying out his duty up to the end. I know, he isn't famous as well as Al Capone, Lucky Luciano etc. but this is because of the stereotype and the ignorance of many people are very strong when one talks about the italian-american reality and about the mafia.
Little Italy
As long as we're on the subject. Articles I compiled on the history of Little Italy from From the Italian Tribune
Little Italy
Little Italy
Joseph Petrosino: 1905
from the ny daily news
from the ny daily news
F. Y. I.: A Hero With a Badge, By MICHAEL POLLAK
Q. I am proud of the Italian heritage of New York police officers, and there is one Italian-American officer I wish you would write about: Joe Petrosino.
A. Gladly. Lt. Giuseppe Petrosino, perhaps the most celebrated individual officer in New York police history, holds a sad distinction: He is the only New York police officer to have been killed in the line of duty outside the United States.
The Mafia violated its longstanding rule against killing cops when in 1909 it silenced Lieutenant Petrosino, who had emigrated at age 13 from Salerno. His specialty was fighting the mob in the days when it was extorting money from immigrants.
Petrosino, often called Joseph, was born in 1860. He joined the force in 1883 and was promoted to detective in 1895 in a departmental housecleaning spurred by Theodore Roosevelt, the police commissioner.
At 5 feet 3 and 200 pounds, Petrosino was not known for his gentleness. In 1902, he founded the Police Department’s bomb squad to counter the mob’s use of explosives in carrying out extortion threats.
From 1905, Petrosino and the “Italian Branch,” an elite corps of Italian-American undercover officers, arrested thousands of members of the Sicilian Mafia and Neapolitan Camorra, deporting 500. Reports of crime against Italian-Americans dropped 50 percent.
Lieutenant Petrosino was shot to death on March 12, 1909, in Palermo, Sicily, where he was planning to record the names of Sicilian criminals who had immigrated to the United States; his goal was to deport them. A local Mafia leader, Don Vito Cascio Ferro, was suspected, but no one was ever convicted of the killing.
Some 250,000 people attended Lieutenant Petrosino’s funeral. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery in West Maspeth, Queens, and his name lives on at Petrosino Square, a triangle at Kenmare and Lafayette Streets in Little Italy, where he grew up.
Joseph Petrosino
Joseph Petrosino is a real life character in Laurie Fabiano's Elizabeth Street
Above images related t Petrosino, below his wiki bio
Joseph Petrosino is a real life character in Laurie Fabiano's Elizabeth Street
Above images related t Petrosino, below his wiki bio
Giuseppe "Joe" Petrosino (August 30, 1860 - March 12, 1909) was a New York City police officer who was a pioneer in the fight against organized crime. The various crime fighting techniques that Petrosino pioneered during his law enforcement career are still practiced by various agencies in the fight against crime.
In 1874, the balance of the Petrosino family emigrated to the United States from Padula (in the province of Salerno, Campania), a village in southern Italy. Joseph having been sent over previously with a young cousin (Antonio Puppolo) to live with his Grandfather in New York. An unfortunate street car accident took the life of the Grandfather and the two young cousins wound up in Orphans/Surrogates Court. Rather than send the children to the Orphanage, the Judge took them home to his own family and provided for the boys until relatives in Italy could be contacted and arrangements made to bring over family members. As a consequence Joseph Petrosino and his cousin Anthony Puppolo lived with a "politically connected" Irish Household for some time, which opened up educational and employment avenues which were not always available to more recent immigrants. On 1883-10-19, he joined the NYCPD[1]. During his service, he would become friends with Theodore Roosevelt, who was police commissioner of New York City at the time. On 1895-07-20[1], Roosevelt promoted him to Detective Sergeant in charge of the department's Homicide Division, making him the first Italian-American to lead this division.
The pinnacle of his career came in December 1908[1] when he was promoted to Lieutenant and placed in charge of the Italian Squad, an elite corps of Italian-American detectives specifically assembled to deal with the criminal activities of organizations like the Mafia, which Petrosino saw as a shame to decent Italians.
One notable case in Petrosino's stint with the Italian Squad was when the famous Italian tenor Enrico Caruso, who was performing at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, was being blackmailed by gangsters who demanded money in exchange for his life.
It was Petrosino who convinced Caruso to help him catch those behind the blackmail.
A second notable case in Petrosino's stint with the Italian Squad was his infiltration of an Italian-based anarchist organization that assassinated King Umberto I of Italy. During his mission, he discovered evidence that the organization intended to assassinate President William McKinley during his trip to Buffalo.
Petrosino warned the Secret Service, but McKinley ignored the warning, even after Roosevelt, who had by this time become Vice-President of the United States, vouched for Petrosino's abilities. As a result, McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz during his visit to Buffalo's Pan-American Exposition on September 6, 1901.
Petrosino's investigations into Mafia activities led him to Don Vito Cascio Ferro, the godfather of the Mafia in New York. In 1903, Petrosino arrested him on suspicion of murder, but Cascio Ferro was acquitted. He later returned to Sicily, where he became increasingly involved with the Sicilian Mafia.
In 1909, Petrosino made plans to travel to Palermo, Sicily, on a top secret mission. However, because of the incompetence of Thomas Bingham, New York's police commissioner, the New York Herald published the story of Petrosino's mission on February 20, 1909, just days before his departure. Even though he was aware of the danger, Petrosino headed to Palermo as planned. However, this decision would prove fatal. Petrosino wrongly believed that the Sicilian Mafia would not kill a policeman, as they did not in America.
On March 12, 1909, after arriving in Palermo, Petrosino received a message from someone claiming to be an informant, asking the detective to meet him in the city's Piazza Marina to give him information about the Mafia. Petrosino arrived at the rendezvous, but it was a trap. While waiting for his 'informant,' Petrosino was shot to death by Mafia assassins.
Vito Cascio Ferro was arrested for Petrosino's murder but was released after an associate provided an alibi. However, he later claimed to other crime figures that he had killed Petrosino, which helped propel him into the position of capo di tutti capi (boss of bosses). Ironically Ferro died in prison in 1943 after being arrested in 1927 on a murder charge he probably did not commit.
On April 12, 1909, Petrosino's funeral, which was attended by 250,000 people, was held in Manhattan. New York City declared the day of his burial a holiday to allow its citizens to pay their respects. A small plaza just north of the old NYPD Headquarters at 240 Center Street in Manhattan was renamed in his memory[1]. His widow {B.1869} died in 1957.
* Among the numerous honors, awards and recognitions received includes a small park in Greenwich Village, New York City, formerly known as Kenmare Square, was named after Petrosino in 1987. Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino Square Park as well as the Joe Petrosino Prize for Investigative Reporting which was also named in his honor.
* Petrosino's story would be discussed on the 2-hour History Channel program Godfathers, which featured commentary concerning his life by Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York, and Bernard Kerik, former police commissioner of New York City.
* Three biographical films have been made of Petrosino's life including Sidney M. Goldin's The Adventures of Lieutenant Petrosino (1912) as well as Pay or Die (1960) starring Ernest Borgnine and The Black Hand (1973) starring Lionel Stander. He has also been the subject of the Italian television series Joe Petrosino, where he was portrayed by Beppe Fiorello.
* The character of Lieutenant Louis Lorelli (J. Carrol Naish) in The Black Hand (1950), starring Gene Kelly, is loosely modeled on Petrosino.
* British novelist Frederick Nolan has written two novels based on Petrosino's career with the NYPD, No Place to Be a Cop (1974) and Kill Petrosino! (1975).
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: Dinner at Forlinis
Find Big Fat Fanny Fast - Dinner at Forlinis
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: Dave's Corner
Find Big Fat Fanny Fast - Dave's Corner
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: The Russian Baths
Find Big Fat Fanny Fast - The Russian Baths
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
Elizabeth Street: Kidnapping Sites
Below the address of the Scimeca Family in the 1910 census. 2 Prince is just west of the Bowery.

Below the locale of Laurie Fabiano's great grandparents and grandmother in the book Elizabeth Street.

Below the 1910 census record of Laurie Fabiano's great uncle Lorenzo Costas' family. The address was 180 Prince Street. That's between Sullivan and Thompson.
On Tuesday Laurie mentioned that it was unusual that her family moved to 202 Elizabeth Street. That block was a Sicilian stronghold. Her family was Calabresi. However, the appeal of bathrooms on the floor at 202 Elizabeth Street instead of outhouses on a Calabresi block won out over klan solidarity.
The Tenement Museum encyclopedia discusses this

Below the locale of Laurie Fabiano's great grandparents and grandmother in the book Elizabeth Street.

Below the 1910 census record of Laurie Fabiano's great uncle Lorenzo Costas' family. The address was 180 Prince Street. That's between Sullivan and Thompson.

The Tenement Museum encyclopedia discusses this
Little Italies
But many of them did stay, as the numbers above demonstrate, and settled in New York City and the Lower East Side. Italians tended to follow the Irish who had preceded them in both their residential and occupational patterns. They first settled in neighborhoods with some of the oldest housing stock in the city: the notorious Five Points neighborhood between the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges (today's Chinatown) and the Fourteenth Ward west of the Bowery (today's Little Italy). They then moved north into present-day SoHo and Greenwich Village. Before long a sizeable Little Italy sprouted uptown between 110th and 120th Streets, east of Fourth Avenue. Eventually, East Harlem became the largest Little Italy in all of New York. While Italians were never a majority on the Lower East Side (always under 10 % of the population), their presence grew steadily from the turn of the century through the 1930s.
Within their neighborhoods, Italians tended to settle next to people from the same regions of Italy. Neapolitans tended to dominate Mulberry Street, the Calabresi claimed Mott Street, and Sicilians - who dominated the Italian immigration after 1900 - took over Elizabeth Street. In fact, immigrants from individual Sicilian towns tended to congregate together on different stretches of Elizabeth Street.
Elizabeth Street
I heard Laurie Fabiano speaking about her book Elizabeth Street at the Tenement Museum on Tuesday night, June 13th. I've been reading it and it's excellent. The story tells of a kidnapping of a family member by the Black Hand in 1909. The kidnapping didn't make the news, but I found a similar one that occured in 1910. The Scimeca family was the one victimized. Fabiano's family lived at 202 Elizabeth Street. Scimeca's lived around the corner at 2 Prince Street.
I heard Laurie Fabiano speaking about her book Elizabeth Street at the Tenement Museum on Tuesday night, June 13th. I've been reading it and it's excellent. The story tells of a kidnapping of a family member by the Black Hand in 1909. The kidnapping didn't make the news, but I found a similar one that occured in 1910. The Scimeca family was the one victimized. Fabiano's family lived at 202 Elizabeth Street. Scimeca's lived around the corner at 2 Prince Street.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: Chapter One
Find Big Fat Fanny Fast - Chapter One
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: JFK Jr. Softball
Jfk Softball
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
Joe Bruno's Find Big Fat Fanny Fast: KV Memories Bob Feller
KV Memories Bob Feller
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
from Joe Bruno who gave me permission to post these chapters on the KV blog.
I'm writing a spoof novel of the mob in the neighborhood called Find Big Fat Fanny Fast. You can find several first drafts excerpts of Find Big Fat Fanny Fast on my FB wall. The book should be finished in a a few months. It will be available in ebook on the internet and in print a few months later. It can be downloaded to Kindle or any of the other ebook readers. It's much cheaper on ebooks.
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