Rich Karney's letter to Nancy's brother Bruce from 2 years ago in May
Please accept my condolences on the passing of Nancy. It came as a shock to me when David called me up when he heard the news. I was and am deeply saddened. Having not seen Nancy for over forty years, the get together in April was so much more meaningful. Nancy and I were close during our years in P.S. 177. Regardless of what she may have said, I never resented having lost the election of Safety Squad Captain to her. I didn’t mind being her lieutenant. Probably not too many people did either. Speaking with her in Tanahey Park and the Chinese restaurant brought back many memories of growing up in Knickerbocker Village. And the pictures she brought were special if not poignant. Discussing with her the fates of the sixth grade girls in the picture she showed is so damn ironic now.
I always felt Nancy was special. Not because she stood out from others but that she had sincerity to others. Not sure if she discussed some of the events I remembered and mentioned to her walking back from the restaurant. They may have not been of historical significance but to me they showed how she treated people, certainly those from our formative years, and made folks feel good if not special.
We became less close once we split after sixth grade, she going to JHS 12 and me to JHS 65. We did regroup at Camp Cummings in the Summer of 1964 and it was nice to spend a few months as teenagers together in a relaxed atmosphere. It was fun times, as I laugh about one deep discussion we had as she explained female monthly encounters. Looking back, she allowed me to be ignorant while maintaining some sense of respect of and for me.
I’m sure it will take some time for you and your family. And please express my sadness to your father too. He might remember me from living in the F building.
It was good to see you last month and so, so special to have seen Nancy.
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